To become who I dreamed to become while I lived inside of the walks of the castle in Greece, I would have had to choose some noble angel to be my fiance. But I choose someone else, and it became clear to me that even though he was no one to the other clans, didn't come with promises of peace or advantage, I still felt like I made the right choice.
There was a candle on the ground, and we both were wrapped in blankets we found in the upper rooms. The weather was getting cooler every day, and we were already out of food.
"I can protect myself." - I said, when Morgen was searching through the counters in the kitchens for the millionth time. - "We could go to the city, and get food."
"People know you in the city. They know me as well. It's a very bad idea." - He said.
"Then what do you expect us to do? Just stay here, and starve ourselves to death? Why can't we go back to Greece, inform my followers, and come back here? We could fix the protector spell around the castle, restore the place to its original beauty, and settle in. Skydown could be the home of the Sub-Consilium again." - I said, and I put my hand on his shoulder.
"That's not how it works, Spirit." - He said. - "First, you would have to get married and..."
He didn't have time to finish his monologue about how should my life work, because a small, sky-blue bird knocked on the glass. A small piece of paper was attached to its foot. Morgen tried to warn me not to let it in, because the bird is a Head Messenger... but I was curious of what the message might say. I took the piece of paper in my hand and opened it.
Light blue smoke rose from the paper, and a small figure appeared front of me. The small replica of Jophiel.
Dear Lady Spirit,
As the head of the Head-Consilium, son of Lord Michael, and the rightful ruler of the celestials, I invite you to my castle. You, the head of the rebellion surely see that we cannot exist beside each other for long.
This invitation is to ask you to join forces with me. I propose to you to become my partner. As a daughter of a noble, a well respected man, you surely understand that this is the only way to solve the war without sacrificing our people.
The note was short, and the words were speaking the truth of it. There is no actual way to solve the war between the rebellion and the celestials without sacrifices, unless I give up being the nephilim princess, and form an alliance with the Head-consilium. But this whole thing that I would have to marry just because they killed Ambriel was not fair. I was still only 17, and I wasn't ready to face all this. Why did I have to become the soul-whisperer, when I have three siblings, who are all older than me... For example Cassiel would have been the best heir of the Princeps family, and he is the oldest son of Ambriel anyways, so why didn't he got these powers?!
It was just so confusing and it began to stress me out. I thought I know what would be the best for the people, who follow me: if I join forces with somebody I fully trust, and know that he would become a good leader...
But Jophiel is messing up everything. It's true that he is the rightful heir of the Head Consilium, and that he has the power to stop this war before it gets worse... but the fact that it can only happen if I agree to marry him is just not fair. I do not love Jophiel... aren't people supposed to love each other when they get married? Just a little bit?
Morgen's warm hand pulled me back to reality from my misery. He hugged me from behind as I was gripping the piece of paper with Jophiel's handwriting in light blue ink. I was scared, but as Morgen slowly buried his face in my neck, I began to realize that no matter how I run, or where I run, I can't hide from this world anymore.
I have been hiding here in the abandoned castle, eating dry bread and hard cheese, just to make sure nobody finds me, but they still did. I might like Morgen, but that reminds me that I have loved Rider, and that turned out to be a big mess. Would it be easy to marry just for the benefit of people with no feelings? If I don't love the person I'm marrying, then he cannot hurt me... isn't that right?
Morgen's lips pressed against the little gap between my shoulder and neck, and he hugged me tighter. My heart was screaming as I reached down, and pushed his hands off of my hips. The step that put some distance between us was burning my feet, and I knew that I will suffer for the words that I was about to say. I stared into Morgen's cloud-colored eyes, and took a deep breath.
"I think Jophiel is being reasonable." - I began.
"I know." - Morgen said, and closed that little distance between us that I suffered for to put there.
"I think it would be the best to make the deal with him..." - I whispered as he cupped my face, and leaned closer.
"I know." - He repeated.
"Then maybe all of us would be safe." - I finished. I felt his hot breath on my face. His skin smelled of forest and pine. He smelled of safety and home to me.
"I know." - He said again. - "But just for tonight, forget about it all... If you can never be truly mine, just let me fool myself for one more day." - He whispered. I wanted to cry. This wasn't just my misery, I knew that... but hearing the pain in his deep, crisp voice was like a razor blade cutting through my skin.
"Please, fool me too..." - Tears made my voice husky, and I was trying to swallow back my own pain to be able to handle his. Now, it wasn't the time for me to cry. Tonight, I had to be the strong one, and tonight, I have to be the one bearing all the weight.
The next morning, we laid in a nest of blankets, and Morgen's arms were around my waist. His head was on my shoulder, and as I looked at him, he seemed much younger when he was asleep. I unwrapped his arms, and swiftly slid out from the blanket-nest.
I picked up his t-shirt from the ground, and pulled it over my head.
I crossed the hall, and slipped through the slightly opened, heavy oak doors. I walked down the hallways, up the stairs til I reached the floor where my old room had been that I only used for about two weeks or even less.
The door hung broken from its clasps, and the whole room was messed up. I stepped over the remains of the night table to the closet. There were claw cuts on the white wood, that made it look like the wood was wounded. I imagined that my back is probably something similar. The doors were stuck, so I had to yank on it for several times before they opened up. Thankfully, my clothes inside were untouched.
I walked in, towards the very back of the closet, where a red dress with silver motifs was on a mannequin. That dress was made for me for the day when my father dies, and I must take his place. Nobody thought that it will come so fast... I took off Morgen's T-shirt, and put on the dress.
I walked over to the shelf, where a diadem lied on a big, velvet pillow. That diadem was supposed to be put on my head by my father, when he resigns, or by a high priest, if he dies before... now, both of them were dead...
The diadem was a delicate headdress, forged from pure silver, with a single ruby in the middle. I sighed, and put it on my head.
As I looked at the mirror, for a moment, I could swear I saw Ambriel standing behind me. I almost felt as he put his hand on my right shoulder. But when I turned around to see him, he was gone.
I grabbed a pair of shoes, and hurried out from the closet. Outside, I bumped into Morgen, who was in full gear, and was holding a white cape with my family's banner on it. Before I could do anything, he wrapped it around my shoulders, and fastened it with a silver chain.
"We shall go, your Grace." - He bowed his head. You would think he was mocking me, but he wasn't. His face was blank... I couldn't tell what he was thinking at all. The way he walked beside me, with one hand on the tip of a rune stone blade, I felt like I was walking beside a stranger, not the guy I was willing to marry just a day ago. Before he opened the front gate, I put my hand on his chest to stop him.
"Wait." - I said.
"What is it, your Grace?" - He asked with no emotion whatsoever. I put my other hand on his chest as well.
"I don't know what will happen now. I don't know if this is a trap, or if Jophiel really means to offer us safety." - I looked in his eyes, trying very hard to figure out what will happen now. - "But you are too important for me for risking your life. You need to get away from here, and don't come back. At least, you should live..."
He just stood there for a moment, staring at me. I felt his heart beating under my palm.
"I am not leaving you, Lady Spirit. I shall be your guard." - He said, not even moving a muscle.
"Will you follow my commands, Morgen?" - I asked. He nodded without thinking. - "Then I command you to leave me. Go, and never come back. Do what you must to stay alive."
"That command I will not follow, Lady Spirit." - He said. Now his voice was a little softer.
"How do you expect me to be a leader when I can't even make one person listen?" - I sighed, and my hand slid off of his chest. - "This is my job to be the person who brings peace for these people. They never wanted a war, and my appearance brought nothing good to them."
"Do you think there were no fights before you appeared? They were fighting just like this before you, and they will fights just like this long after you're gone." - Morgen said. - "You cannot change everything. And you are not strong...."
"I am strong enough." - I insisted, and put my hand on his shoulder. I murmured a chant silently, and erased his memories of me, replacing them with other people. The only memory he had had of me was the training.
After the chant was done, he collapsed on the floor in a deep sleep. - "Forgive me" - I muttered, and knelt down beside him.. - "But I must do this on my own."
I kissed his cheek lightly, and left the halls of Skydown. The Sun was shining above my head as I crossed the yard. The walkway was covered with the broken pieces of the tiles it was made of. At the gates, two people stood in black cloaks. One, I recognized. He was covered in tattoos and piercings.
"Rico..." - I nodded my head towards him. He grinned, and took a bow, but it was rather mocking than polite. I didn't expect anything else from the careless little son of a bitch. I didn't know him very well, all I knew was that I owed him my life. - "How can I help you?" - I asked.
"I am here to escort you to the Head-Consilium. they are expecting us soon." - He said.
"But don't you work for Rider?" - I asked.
"For the record, I work for myself, and nobody else." - He snorted, like I offended him with my question... I probably had. I nodded, and placed my hand in his. Now that I think about it, shaking hands with the likes of me is extremely dangerous, since I can use my powers without spells and rituals as well (I can't do serious magic, like rewind what had been done, but I could easily kill this man). Rico gripped my hand tightly, and the world began to spin around us, and he pulled me through a tunnel-like phenomenon. This time I didn't faint, but the landing was not very nice. Visibly, shaking hands was extremely dangerous with every creature, except humans.
When we arrived, I dropped on my knees, and tried to swallow back the nauseous feeling in my throat. Rico was standing on my left, and the stranger that I paid no mind really now reached down to pull me up.
"Don't touch me." - I growled and I stood up, still feeling a little bit sick. My thoughts were still at Morgen, hoping that he would be alright. If today I must give up my freedom to save the followers of the Sub-Consilium, so be it. His memory will be my secret treasure, and as long as I live, I will serve whoever I must to keep my loved ones safe.
"Oh, Lady Spirit! It is an honor to see you again!" - Jophiel was standing on the top of a staircase of pale blue stone. I have never seen such stone like that. It was like as if blue marble existed.
"Jophiel." - I nodded in his direction. - "I am here because of your invite... however before we discuss anything, I would like to see my brother. He is in your custody if I'm not mistaken." - A woman came up to me, and undid my cloak, then took it away.
"I'm afraid I cannot fulfill your request at the moment; your brother is still under questioning." - He said with a cunning smile that made me want to punch him in the face.
"Questioning for what? He was a simple book keeper, no more. Do you accuse him of stealing a book or something?" - I asked.
"No, we accuse him of plotting the murder of your darling father..." - He answered. Rage raced through every cell of my body, and I felt the urge to smash his sly, silver-blonde head against the blue marble floor.
It seems like magic made me more aggressive than I imagined.
"I can assure you that it is not the case." - I insisted while choking on my rage. I didn't let the golden flames run up my arms, so the held back powers caused small flicks of light between my fingers. - "Unless you let me see my brother, I'm afraid the cooperation between us might fail."
"You are speaking of terms that were never offered to you, dear Spirit. Do not think that the offer that we can join forces meant that we will be equal for a moment. I was informed that you are not the head of the rebellion, but it is your little darling, Rider Vower. I understand that you two are no longer connected, and that he will not surrender if I offer you in return. You are just a piece of useless flesh and bones now." - He smirked. - "Now, I didn't meant to be so harsh with you, and if you listen to me, there won't e any trouble at all."
That broke my will to hold back my powers, and the golden flames ran up my arms with a woosh. The fact that Jophiel played me just like that made me feel like a fool... which I apparently was. I almost expected Rico and the other guy to jump on me and tie me up, then throw me into some cell in the basement, but that did not happen. For my greatest surprise the unknown guy beside me spoke up.
"Your Grace, you are talking to the Head of the Sub-Consilium, and the Princeps clan. You should show her some respect." - His cool voice was deep and cold, like ice. He wore a hood, so I couldn't tell if I knew him or not. I still had missing morsels of memories, so I wasn't certain about anything. But at the point, I was way beyond caring. Jophiel set up a trap, which was very obvious, and even though Morgen warned me about it, I refused to believe him. I just wanted to be the best heir to my father.
I was an orphan for so long, not knowing who I was, and I only had Iris for me, and nobody else. Then suddenly this man appeared in my life, my biological father, who gave me that mental push I needed at the postaquam, then took me in. I know he never treated me how people imagine a father might treat his daughter, but he was a parent.
And Ambriel was a great man. I know he would know what to do... fury was boiling inside of me.
"This woman you call the heir is a traitor. She should have come here to bend before the Head Consilium, but instead she went over to the rebels. She deserves nothing from me." - Jophiel snorted.
I swung my hand toward him, and the golden flames started to burn on my fingers. I could feel the white, delicate strings inside of me swirling, desperate for an opening to tangle around Jophiel's soul. - "I will have the respect I deserve, your grace" - I said, wrinkling my nose. He just stood there, smiling, like I was some child.
"Are you calling me out on a duel?" - He asked, like I was amusing him.
"Yes. No weapons, just our powers." - I said. But as I finished, I felt a sudden change in the air. Warmth filled the cold hall, and it did not came from my golden flames.
A tall figure appeared from the room behind Jophiel. His hair was ebony black and curly. He wore a simple leather gear, but his arms were bare, leaving the tattoo on his hand visible. It felt like I was struck through the stomach with an ice spear.
"I will gladly fight against her in your name, my Lord." - He said. I wanted to scream, and kill both of them here and now, but unfortunately no matter what, they would probably overpower me in an instant.
"Joel, I will not fight a duel with you." - I said, and closed my fingers, letting the flames die between my fingers. Even from this distance, I could feel his burning dragon, his soul, he himself. I reached out towards him mentally but I found a wall. He closed me out.
"That shall be amusing then. Fine, I will let the Severio fight." - Jophiel said.
"But everyone will think you are a craven, my lord." - Rico said in his husky voice, and let out a laugh. I often wondered if he was insane, or just a weirdo. A blush crept up on Jophiel's neck.
"Let them. I am the heir, and I will make them obey me. It's their choice if they follow me willingly, or while suffering." - He said, and waved towards Joel. They disappeared behind the doors of the room where Joel appeared.
I grabbed my tiara, and smashed it against the ground. The ruby shattered to a million pieces. I pulled the pins from my hair, and let the hair fall on my shoulders. Golden flames started to burn my dress, and as it devoured the red velvet, a gear was covering my body. I didn't know I was able to do this, but neither did the people in the room, so I couldn't let them know that I wasn't aware of my powers. I turned towards the guard, who I did not recognize.
"What's your name?" - I asked. He let his hood fall back. His skin was porcelain white, his hair the same color, but his eyes shone bright gold.
"Don't you remember me?" - he asked. But I did remember him.
"Damian..." - I whispered. Before I knew what I was doing, I gripped his throat and pushed him against a wall, ready to rip it out. - "You knew." - I hissed. - "You knew that Jophiel was going to kill my father."
"Stop." - Rico pulled me off of him. - "Killing your friends would be most unwise. You have few left."
"He is not my friend. It is his fault that..."
"You are still alive." - Rico finished my sentence. - "He kept you outside until that attack began, and I got there to get you out." - He reminded me. I tightened my fist, and looked away.
"I am useless. You should have saved Ambriel, not me." - I answered, and walked up the stairs. When I pushed the door open, it lead to a huge hall with a throne at the end. Jophiel was sitting on it, Joel standing beside him.
The sad thing was that when I looked at him, I forgot my feelings for Morgen, Rider (or Marcus for that matter)... I just wanted to feel his touch, his power, and his strength. I tried to make myself believe that I did not have feelings for him on the day when I gained back my memories, but in truth, deep inside I knew that what we did was not necessary, and when he confessed that it really wasn't, he just wanted to be a choice for me... I felt terribly hurt. Not because he lied to me, but because he wanted me for the surname I wore, the position I had, and a promise he made.
I walked down the hall, towards the throne, Joel began walking toward me, and we met halfway through.
"Don't do this.." - I breathed. My rage turned into sorrow, and I felt tears dwell up in my eyes.
"You are the one who sent me away." - He said. The words twisted the blade I felt in my stomach ever since he appeared. But what did I expect? I did send him away, I did pushed him away...
There was approximately three feet between us, but it felt like a thousand.
"I know, but that doesn't mean I want to fight with you." - I murmured. - "I gave you back your life, I don't mean to take it."
"You gave me life that I already had, until you appeared." - He said, his eyes cold and emotionless, however his tone was frustrated and sad. Joel's words hurt me.
"Yeah because sleeping with Lilith was a better life... oh and safe as well." - I wrinkled my nose. I didn't like to think about Lilith. She started an avalanche of happenings in my life. If she wouldn't have sent me to the postaquam, then Joel would only have one scar on his chest, he would be still a Hell-Light, my father would still be alive, Joel and I would have found Iris (probably) and everything would just be different.
"You have no right to judge who I was." - He hissed at me.
"I trusted you." - I said while I looked away.
"What does that have to do with all this?" - He asked back confusedly.
"I trusted you with my life, and my sister's life... then I trusted you not to kill me when I gave you my blood. I trusted you with my body when I lost my memories... why did you still treat me like I was some trophy you could claim at the end of the game?" - I couldn't help it, and a teardrop rolled down on my face. He didn't speak.
Rider's lies ripped me apart. Morgen didn't remember me anymore, and that was how it was supposed to be. But Joel... he was something else. - "I wish you would have stayed away from that goddamn apartment! I wish I would have never trusted you with anything!" - I screamed at him. I could almost see Jophiel's satisfied grin as he witnessed our conversation.
"So you could have had my brother instead?" - He whispered. That made me look up on his face again. It was like he slapped me.
"Stephen and I were never like that." - My voice was shaking from the held back emotions. His accusation also woke my anger.
"Oh, then he must be the only one." - He was staring into my eyes, his tone full of judgement. I slapped him with the back of my hand. It felt like slapping a marble statue.
But I was done. I was done believing that I meant to be the one who should make this better, or the one who inherited the power to be a soul whisperer for a good reason. There is no God, who sends us here to fulfill a purpose, nor a higher being controlling us.,.. our powers are randomly chosen, and we are alone to make our mistakes and claim the consequences.
I felt a sudden pain along my right side, but I ignored it and closed my fingers. I felt every brick of the building. As I swung my hands towards the ceiling, the whole place begin to shake. Cracks ran up from the floor to the ceiling.
"I will end this madness!" - I began to walk towards Jophiel, my golden flames swirling around me, while the whole place was falling apart around us as boulders crumbled as they hit the floor from the ceiling. He got to his feet. - "You and your father are the reason why this world collapsed!" - I shouted at him.

I walked over to the shelf, where a diadem lied on a big, velvet pillow. That diadem was supposed to be put on my head by my father, when he resigns, or by a high priest, if he dies before... now, both of them were dead...
The diadem was a delicate headdress, forged from pure silver, with a single ruby in the middle. I sighed, and put it on my head.
As I looked at the mirror, for a moment, I could swear I saw Ambriel standing behind me. I almost felt as he put his hand on my right shoulder. But when I turned around to see him, he was gone.
I grabbed a pair of shoes, and hurried out from the closet. Outside, I bumped into Morgen, who was in full gear, and was holding a white cape with my family's banner on it. Before I could do anything, he wrapped it around my shoulders, and fastened it with a silver chain.
"We shall go, your Grace." - He bowed his head. You would think he was mocking me, but he wasn't. His face was blank... I couldn't tell what he was thinking at all. The way he walked beside me, with one hand on the tip of a rune stone blade, I felt like I was walking beside a stranger, not the guy I was willing to marry just a day ago. Before he opened the front gate, I put my hand on his chest to stop him.
"Wait." - I said.
"What is it, your Grace?" - He asked with no emotion whatsoever. I put my other hand on his chest as well.
"I don't know what will happen now. I don't know if this is a trap, or if Jophiel really means to offer us safety." - I looked in his eyes, trying very hard to figure out what will happen now. - "But you are too important for me for risking your life. You need to get away from here, and don't come back. At least, you should live..."
He just stood there for a moment, staring at me. I felt his heart beating under my palm.
"I am not leaving you, Lady Spirit. I shall be your guard." - He said, not even moving a muscle.
"Will you follow my commands, Morgen?" - I asked. He nodded without thinking. - "Then I command you to leave me. Go, and never come back. Do what you must to stay alive."
"That command I will not follow, Lady Spirit." - He said. Now his voice was a little softer.
"How do you expect me to be a leader when I can't even make one person listen?" - I sighed, and my hand slid off of his chest. - "This is my job to be the person who brings peace for these people. They never wanted a war, and my appearance brought nothing good to them."
"Do you think there were no fights before you appeared? They were fighting just like this before you, and they will fights just like this long after you're gone." - Morgen said. - "You cannot change everything. And you are not strong...."
"I am strong enough." - I insisted, and put my hand on his shoulder. I murmured a chant silently, and erased his memories of me, replacing them with other people. The only memory he had had of me was the training.
After the chant was done, he collapsed on the floor in a deep sleep. - "Forgive me" - I muttered, and knelt down beside him.. - "But I must do this on my own."
I kissed his cheek lightly, and left the halls of Skydown. The Sun was shining above my head as I crossed the yard. The walkway was covered with the broken pieces of the tiles it was made of. At the gates, two people stood in black cloaks. One, I recognized. He was covered in tattoos and piercings.
"Rico..." - I nodded my head towards him. He grinned, and took a bow, but it was rather mocking than polite. I didn't expect anything else from the careless little son of a bitch. I didn't know him very well, all I knew was that I owed him my life. - "How can I help you?" - I asked.
"I am here to escort you to the Head-Consilium. they are expecting us soon." - He said.
"But don't you work for Rider?" - I asked.
"For the record, I work for myself, and nobody else." - He snorted, like I offended him with my question... I probably had. I nodded, and placed my hand in his. Now that I think about it, shaking hands with the likes of me is extremely dangerous, since I can use my powers without spells and rituals as well (I can't do serious magic, like rewind what had been done, but I could easily kill this man). Rico gripped my hand tightly, and the world began to spin around us, and he pulled me through a tunnel-like phenomenon. This time I didn't faint, but the landing was not very nice. Visibly, shaking hands was extremely dangerous with every creature, except humans.
When we arrived, I dropped on my knees, and tried to swallow back the nauseous feeling in my throat. Rico was standing on my left, and the stranger that I paid no mind really now reached down to pull me up.
"Don't touch me." - I growled and I stood up, still feeling a little bit sick. My thoughts were still at Morgen, hoping that he would be alright. If today I must give up my freedom to save the followers of the Sub-Consilium, so be it. His memory will be my secret treasure, and as long as I live, I will serve whoever I must to keep my loved ones safe.
"Oh, Lady Spirit! It is an honor to see you again!" - Jophiel was standing on the top of a staircase of pale blue stone. I have never seen such stone like that. It was like as if blue marble existed.
"Jophiel." - I nodded in his direction. - "I am here because of your invite... however before we discuss anything, I would like to see my brother. He is in your custody if I'm not mistaken." - A woman came up to me, and undid my cloak, then took it away.
"I'm afraid I cannot fulfill your request at the moment; your brother is still under questioning." - He said with a cunning smile that made me want to punch him in the face.
"Questioning for what? He was a simple book keeper, no more. Do you accuse him of stealing a book or something?" - I asked.
"No, we accuse him of plotting the murder of your darling father..." - He answered. Rage raced through every cell of my body, and I felt the urge to smash his sly, silver-blonde head against the blue marble floor.
It seems like magic made me more aggressive than I imagined.
"I can assure you that it is not the case." - I insisted while choking on my rage. I didn't let the golden flames run up my arms, so the held back powers caused small flicks of light between my fingers. - "Unless you let me see my brother, I'm afraid the cooperation between us might fail."
"You are speaking of terms that were never offered to you, dear Spirit. Do not think that the offer that we can join forces meant that we will be equal for a moment. I was informed that you are not the head of the rebellion, but it is your little darling, Rider Vower. I understand that you two are no longer connected, and that he will not surrender if I offer you in return. You are just a piece of useless flesh and bones now." - He smirked. - "Now, I didn't meant to be so harsh with you, and if you listen to me, there won't e any trouble at all."
That broke my will to hold back my powers, and the golden flames ran up my arms with a woosh. The fact that Jophiel played me just like that made me feel like a fool... which I apparently was. I almost expected Rico and the other guy to jump on me and tie me up, then throw me into some cell in the basement, but that did not happen. For my greatest surprise the unknown guy beside me spoke up.
"Your Grace, you are talking to the Head of the Sub-Consilium, and the Princeps clan. You should show her some respect." - His cool voice was deep and cold, like ice. He wore a hood, so I couldn't tell if I knew him or not. I still had missing morsels of memories, so I wasn't certain about anything. But at the point, I was way beyond caring. Jophiel set up a trap, which was very obvious, and even though Morgen warned me about it, I refused to believe him. I just wanted to be the best heir to my father.
I was an orphan for so long, not knowing who I was, and I only had Iris for me, and nobody else. Then suddenly this man appeared in my life, my biological father, who gave me that mental push I needed at the postaquam, then took me in. I know he never treated me how people imagine a father might treat his daughter, but he was a parent.
And Ambriel was a great man. I know he would know what to do... fury was boiling inside of me.
"This woman you call the heir is a traitor. She should have come here to bend before the Head Consilium, but instead she went over to the rebels. She deserves nothing from me." - Jophiel snorted.
I swung my hand toward him, and the golden flames started to burn on my fingers. I could feel the white, delicate strings inside of me swirling, desperate for an opening to tangle around Jophiel's soul. - "I will have the respect I deserve, your grace" - I said, wrinkling my nose. He just stood there, smiling, like I was some child.
"Are you calling me out on a duel?" - He asked, like I was amusing him.
"Yes. No weapons, just our powers." - I said. But as I finished, I felt a sudden change in the air. Warmth filled the cold hall, and it did not came from my golden flames.
A tall figure appeared from the room behind Jophiel. His hair was ebony black and curly. He wore a simple leather gear, but his arms were bare, leaving the tattoo on his hand visible. It felt like I was struck through the stomach with an ice spear.
"I will gladly fight against her in your name, my Lord." - He said. I wanted to scream, and kill both of them here and now, but unfortunately no matter what, they would probably overpower me in an instant.
"Joel, I will not fight a duel with you." - I said, and closed my fingers, letting the flames die between my fingers. Even from this distance, I could feel his burning dragon, his soul, he himself. I reached out towards him mentally but I found a wall. He closed me out.
"That shall be amusing then. Fine, I will let the Severio fight." - Jophiel said.
"But everyone will think you are a craven, my lord." - Rico said in his husky voice, and let out a laugh. I often wondered if he was insane, or just a weirdo. A blush crept up on Jophiel's neck.
"Let them. I am the heir, and I will make them obey me. It's their choice if they follow me willingly, or while suffering." - He said, and waved towards Joel. They disappeared behind the doors of the room where Joel appeared.
I grabbed my tiara, and smashed it against the ground. The ruby shattered to a million pieces. I pulled the pins from my hair, and let the hair fall on my shoulders. Golden flames started to burn my dress, and as it devoured the red velvet, a gear was covering my body. I didn't know I was able to do this, but neither did the people in the room, so I couldn't let them know that I wasn't aware of my powers. I turned towards the guard, who I did not recognize.
"What's your name?" - I asked. He let his hood fall back. His skin was porcelain white, his hair the same color, but his eyes shone bright gold.
"Don't you remember me?" - he asked. But I did remember him.
"Damian..." - I whispered. Before I knew what I was doing, I gripped his throat and pushed him against a wall, ready to rip it out. - "You knew." - I hissed. - "You knew that Jophiel was going to kill my father."
"Stop." - Rico pulled me off of him. - "Killing your friends would be most unwise. You have few left."
"He is not my friend. It is his fault that..."
"You are still alive." - Rico finished my sentence. - "He kept you outside until that attack began, and I got there to get you out." - He reminded me. I tightened my fist, and looked away.
"I am useless. You should have saved Ambriel, not me." - I answered, and walked up the stairs. When I pushed the door open, it lead to a huge hall with a throne at the end. Jophiel was sitting on it, Joel standing beside him.
The sad thing was that when I looked at him, I forgot my feelings for Morgen, Rider (or Marcus for that matter)... I just wanted to feel his touch, his power, and his strength. I tried to make myself believe that I did not have feelings for him on the day when I gained back my memories, but in truth, deep inside I knew that what we did was not necessary, and when he confessed that it really wasn't, he just wanted to be a choice for me... I felt terribly hurt. Not because he lied to me, but because he wanted me for the surname I wore, the position I had, and a promise he made.
I walked down the hall, towards the throne, Joel began walking toward me, and we met halfway through.
"Don't do this.." - I breathed. My rage turned into sorrow, and I felt tears dwell up in my eyes.
"You are the one who sent me away." - He said. The words twisted the blade I felt in my stomach ever since he appeared. But what did I expect? I did send him away, I did pushed him away...
There was approximately three feet between us, but it felt like a thousand.
"I know, but that doesn't mean I want to fight with you." - I murmured. - "I gave you back your life, I don't mean to take it."
"You gave me life that I already had, until you appeared." - He said, his eyes cold and emotionless, however his tone was frustrated and sad. Joel's words hurt me.
"Yeah because sleeping with Lilith was a better life... oh and safe as well." - I wrinkled my nose. I didn't like to think about Lilith. She started an avalanche of happenings in my life. If she wouldn't have sent me to the postaquam, then Joel would only have one scar on his chest, he would be still a Hell-Light, my father would still be alive, Joel and I would have found Iris (probably) and everything would just be different.
"You have no right to judge who I was." - He hissed at me.
"I trusted you." - I said while I looked away.
"What does that have to do with all this?" - He asked back confusedly.
"I trusted you with my life, and my sister's life... then I trusted you not to kill me when I gave you my blood. I trusted you with my body when I lost my memories... why did you still treat me like I was some trophy you could claim at the end of the game?" - I couldn't help it, and a teardrop rolled down on my face. He didn't speak.
Rider's lies ripped me apart. Morgen didn't remember me anymore, and that was how it was supposed to be. But Joel... he was something else. - "I wish you would have stayed away from that goddamn apartment! I wish I would have never trusted you with anything!" - I screamed at him. I could almost see Jophiel's satisfied grin as he witnessed our conversation.
"So you could have had my brother instead?" - He whispered. That made me look up on his face again. It was like he slapped me.
"Stephen and I were never like that." - My voice was shaking from the held back emotions. His accusation also woke my anger.
"Oh, then he must be the only one." - He was staring into my eyes, his tone full of judgement. I slapped him with the back of my hand. It felt like slapping a marble statue.
But I was done. I was done believing that I meant to be the one who should make this better, or the one who inherited the power to be a soul whisperer for a good reason. There is no God, who sends us here to fulfill a purpose, nor a higher being controlling us.,.. our powers are randomly chosen, and we are alone to make our mistakes and claim the consequences.
I felt a sudden pain along my right side, but I ignored it and closed my fingers. I felt every brick of the building. As I swung my hands towards the ceiling, the whole place begin to shake. Cracks ran up from the floor to the ceiling.
"I will end this madness!" - I began to walk towards Jophiel, my golden flames swirling around me, while the whole place was falling apart around us as boulders crumbled as they hit the floor from the ceiling. He got to his feet. - "You and your father are the reason why this world collapsed!" - I shouted at him.
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