The bloody tears, and the demonic reflection in Remiel's eyes wasn't me. But it wasn't Iris either. It was just some kind of illusion, however the pain was real. The blood was real... just the fact that both of us -Iris and I - were loosing ourselves was too much.
Floating in that blackness, I could see Iris's face front of me with the bloody tears. It floated just inches away from me, driving me mad. I tried to close it out, but sometimes she cried, or screamed, due to the type of torture she was going through...
Someone was screaming, but the voice was grotesque, almost animal like. It wasn't Iris... I tried to relax and shut it out, but it kept sneaking into my bubble, pushing towards the surface of consciousness. I didn't want to wake up, because there were bad people, bad pictures, bad visions, sorrow, pain, troubles, and worst of all I would have to tell people what is happening to me.
Floating in that blackness, I could see Iris's face front of me with the bloody tears. It floated just inches away from me, driving me mad. I tried to close it out, but sometimes she cried, or screamed, due to the type of torture she was going through...
Someone was screaming, but the voice was grotesque, almost animal like. It wasn't Iris... I tried to relax and shut it out, but it kept sneaking into my bubble, pushing towards the surface of consciousness. I didn't want to wake up, because there were bad people, bad pictures, bad visions, sorrow, pain, troubles, and worst of all I would have to tell people what is happening to me.
I would have to tell them why am I screaming.
The truth is, it wasn't me screaming. Of course the voice came out from my mouth, but it wasn't me who was being tortured.
Sometimes, when the pain was so incredibly intense that it almost woke me up, I could hear voices. Voices talking..
They mostly told each other to hold my hands tighter until they can put the cuffs on me, or saying that it would be better if Ambriel didn't let me suffer, and just killed me out of mercy.
Sometimes when the pain became unbearable I almost agreed with them, but most of the time, I could shut out the pain. At those moments, I wanted to wake up and tell them I am still here, and it's not me who is yelling and screaming through my mouth.
Of course, none of them would care. None of them knew what was going on. Only my family members knew why did I kept myself unconscious, and screamed even though I was asleep. They knew, and they hated the situation.
One time, Ariel sat beside me. At that time, Iris was giving me a break so I wasn't crying, screaming, shaking, nor whispering stuff I didn't even know what it meant. They were in latin, and i didn't understand. Anyway, at that time, I was actually calm, and from the outside I must have been looking like just an average girl asleep, not a mental wreck.
"Spirit, I don't know if you can hear me..." - he began. At first I wasn't sure at first if it was Cassiel, or Ariel, but when he continued, it cleared the situation. - "I think this is probably the worst possible time for me to introduce who I am. Cassiel have talked about you so much since he met you, but ever since you arrived in Hell-Blossom, I never had the chance to talk to you. I am your other brother, Ariel." - he taljed for hours about how he remembers of me being a baby, and that he hates that we had to grow up so far from each other. He talked about how Ambriel was so pessimistic about the search for Iris and me. He went on and on, but eventually his voice began to fade as I began to sink back into the depth of my mind, because I could feel that Iris was coming for another Screaming Concert.
I felt Ariel kiss my forehead, and a couple minutes later Iris began to shout. She was screaming something about butterflies with burning wings. I didn't understand, and there was no way anyone did.
And then, as the days passed, Iris took over fewer and fewer times, until she didn't appear anymore. To be honest, I hope she finally found peace, and left this world, because after a torture like that, she must have mental disorders at least. I know I sound mean, but I felt her pain, at least some of it, and it was clear that the pain was most likely more unbearable since she experienced it from first hand.
Just un case, I remained asleep for three more days.
But Iris didn't come anymore. As I tried to get to the surface of the darkness, I felt soneone holding my hand. Warm hands, big and rough. Whoever it was, he held my hands tenderly with one hand, and stroked my hair with the other. The door opened and closed, and I heard footsteps.
"Lord Ariel, You should be up in your chamber. This area is off limits for everybody except the medics during the night." - A voice said, and I felt the hand tighten on my fingers. It didn't hurt - after all that torture I felt through my sister, I wasn't even sure of what was painful, and what was just a touch... there were great differences of what I found painful, and what my sister did. Obviously, she was way tougher, and stronger than I was.
I tightened my grip on his hand as well, so he could feel that I didn't want him to leave me here alone. I was afraid in the silence, because even though I could wake up fully if I wanted to, I was still defenseless with my tied arms and legs.
Ariel now held my hands with both of his, because he clearly thought I was going to have an attack again. I haven't felt Iris for three days, and I really wanted him to stick around, so I could tell him that I have heard every tale, every story, every memory, every wish, and every secret he had shared with me. I wanted him to know that I have missed him, even though we have never met before, I wanted to tell him all about me, and tell him that I am thankful for him talking to me, because like that, I didn't feel like I was alone with Iris in that terrible place, and I think Iris felt his presence as well. But then sadness took over my heart... I couldn't feel or hear Iris anymore. She was gone. There was a great chance that she died, but I couldn't accept the fact that I wasn't able to find her.
"Let me stay by her..." - Ariel whispered. - "She needs me."
Ariel understood me through just one squeeze on his arm. The person left the room without another word. We were alone again, and Ariel began stroking my hair again.
"Three days ago." - I whispered out loud, which surprised Ariel so much, his hand stopped midair. - "I can't feel Iris." - I slowly opened my eyes. I felt tears rolling down on my cheeks. Ariel wiped them off, and for the first time in days, my tears were clear. No blood, just salty water.
"I know." - Ariel said, and unclasped the fetters on my hands and legs. - "Some days after you told Father that Michael was behind the disappearance of Iris, and your screams became unbearably painful, he sent his men to search Michael's residence. They found him dead in the basement, and just like you said, there were terrible instruments of torture. But Iris was gone. When they came back, no more screams left your mouth, and you haven't cried in your sleep either."
"Why can't I feel her?" - I asked, and I pulled my legs up on the bed. I was shaking, but I wasn't sure why.
"Our men found several bottles full of demon blood. Most likely, Michael injected the blood into Iris." - He said.
"Yes, that's correct. It burns..." - I twitched to the vivid memory of the acidic demon blood spreading through me.
"Now, you might not know this, but demon blood eats up the angelic blood, and pushes out the human blood, replacing it with itself, turning the person into a Full-Fledged demon. The process is painful, and it's very rare that the prospect of the experiment survives this procedure. Usually, the prospect bleeds out way before the demon blood has the chance to replace the lost amount." - Ariel pushed his glasses a little higher. He licked his lips nervously - "After bleeding out, the prospect becomes a monster, with no control. So, either the person becomes a Full-Fledged demon, which means she keeps her memories, some of her humanity, morals, and she has feelings, but evil will leave a mark on whatever she does, or she becomes a monster, with no limits, just blood lust. The prospect of such an experiment never dies, but can lost her soul during the time. Considering the fact that she had been missing for quite a while by now; about a month, it is possible that she is a Full-Fledged demon by now, and that's why she had the power to broke out, and murder Michael."
"But you don't believe that." - I whispered as I realized that he was saying this whole thing so unsure. - "You think she bled out too fast, don't you?" - He just nodded. I covered my eyes, and felt the tears roll down my cheeks, but I wasn't sobbing. I couldn't. - "What will happen to her now?" - I asked.
"Right now, we let her be, but if the patrols note that in their area she appeared and killed, they have the right to illuminate her as fast as they can." - He sighed.
"You said the demon blood eats up the angel blood, and pushes out the human blood. So why can't I feel her? She must be still suffering."
"It's most likely has to do something with the blood. Even though you still share similar DNA codes, the blood is fully different. She is now a demonic being, while you are an angelic Grigori. You can't feel her, because she isn't our sister anymore." - I didn't know how that worked, but I was sure that my biology teacher would be even more confused about this, since he knew how DNA worked/ I just knew that this couldn't be right.
And then, a thought that haven't crossed my mind up until now spread across my head.
"Does Stephen know what had happened to Joel?" - I asked in husky voice, because my throat was ached, I wanted to cry, but I knew that I had no right to cry right now. Joel died because I was stupid, because I couldn't control my powers, because I am an amateur.
I was curse, and he had to suffer for my mistakes.
"No, but Father called the consilium together to discuss Michael's case. Since he is dead, Razziel will take his place. She is a Throne. Darren is part of the Sub-Consilium, and since he is coming, Cassiel asked him to bring Stephen along, because we have news that he should hear as well."
"I want to tell him." - I sighed. - "It is my responsibility."
Ariel just nodded, and then stood up. I looked up to him, and I saw his reached out hand.
"Come on, I show you to your room." - He said.
"Isn't this my room?"
"Are you kidding? This is in the dungeons." - He smiled. I took his hand, and he pulled me up, but I fell, because my feet couldn't hold me. My ankles were swollen, and red from the fetters and bruised as well. Ariel reached down for me, and helped me up again. He didn't pick me up, just helped me walk.
We were walking for quite a while, and my bare feet basically froze off because the smooth stone floor was sold as ice. After about twenty minutes, we stopped front of a door, and on this level, the floor was not stone, but wood, and looked more like it was from this century.
"Is this is?" - I asked hopefully.
"No, this is Cassiel's room." - He said. - "Yours is between his and Iris'. My room is right beside her room, so I will be right here, if you feel Iris again, or something else's wrong. Father's room is at the end of the hallway, but he is usually not there, but in the hall where the Sub-Consilium holds the meetings. I will show it to you tomorrow, alright?"
"Yes." - We walked me to my door, and gave me the key.
"Until you figure out how to close out the others from your head, you shouldn't lock the door when you are alone inside." - He suggested, and I nodded, however it was clear that I wouldn't accept the advice. There was no way I would sleep with an open door while I am here. I know a wooden door won't hold back my enemies, whoever they might be, but it gave me some peace.
I opened the door, and Ariel left me there to explore it by myself. The room was a bit too fancy for my taste, but it was better than I expected. In my mind, I had this picture of medieval rooms in a medieval castle - fuck logic, right? But, I was wrong, and the room was actually very nice, and modern.
And there was a bathroom!!! I had been aching for a good bath for a while by now, and I finally had the chance to shower, and scrub off the blood from my hands. Not just mine, but Joel's and Rider's blood was still there. If not on my hand, then under my nails, or stuck in the corners of my nails. Just knowing that their blood was on my hands made me feel I just have to scrub it off, because then, maybe the responsibility won't be so heavy on my shoulders. Of course, that was stupid, because even though their blood will no longer stain my hands physically, it will be there mentally, and I will remember this for the rest of my life, hating my stupidity, and carelessness.
I wished that I could make this right. That I could turn this avalanche of events into something good. But could I really make up something to someone who is already dead out of my mistake? Probably not.
I could feel the arms of powers reach out from the inner core, and wrap around my body protectively. I could feel him there in those arms. Rider was there with me, even though I only had a bit of his essence in that shard of power that I inherited from him through our bond.
The water in the tub was hot, and as I scrubbed my face and hands, the foam of the soap became pink from the blood. I felt disgusted of myself. The shame, the mistakes, the guilt... that I cannot scrub off no matter how hard I try.
I sat in the bathtub until the sun began to rise. The water was freezing cold by that time, but I couldn't care. However, the sight from my bathroom somewhat scared me. There was snow on the mountain sides, and countless of pines.
I have to admit that I have never seen snow before in my entire life. That was an unknown thing for a southern girl, like me. Of course, I have seen it on TV, and read about it in textbooks, and such... but it was just as unknown for me as magic used to be.
I slowly raised my hand from underwater, and stared at my wrinkled fingers. Thinking about that I have felt the warmth of Rider's skin, and high-five-d Joel after jokes... that with these hands I have changed their lives, and not for the better... it was just terrifying. I heard a faint knock on the door.
"Yes?" - I called out, as I reached for my towel to get out from the bathtub.
Cassiel opened the door just as I wrapped the towel around myself. He let out a relieved sigh.
"You look much better now." - He pointed out.
"Iris' pain is gone, yes." - I said, but I couldn't look Cass in the eyes. He didn't understand that all the things, terrible things that have been happening around here were my faults. I was the one to blame for the deaths of at least three people. Plus there were the ones who were killed when the demons came to kidnap Iris... I don't even know how many of them are there... and then, just to expand the list, there is the slave who got me ready for the postquam... I don't know what had happened to him, but even if not out of my fault, he was suffering. To me, he had a name, and I could connect that name with a face, and a kind gesture towards me. He was an honest man... and there is that girl I was supposed to fight: Onyx. I never got to know what had happened to her after I passed out either.... what about Haniel? Did he survive at least? Or Morgen?
The fact that I have been ignoring these names and mourning over only two, made me sick. They were humans as well, and they all lent me a helping hand, and I just ignored them. How selfish can I be?
"I am glad to hear that." - Cassiel smiled, but I shook my head.
"You shouldn't be." - I whispered.
"What?" - To is confused tone, I looked up.
"So you have no idea what happened, do you? Michael is dead, and Iris is gone. By the fact that I do not feel her pain means that either she became a full-fledged demon, or worse, but doesn't matter, because either way, she isn't our sister anymore." - My body was shaking, and not just because I was cold. A hot teardrop rolled down on my cheek. - "You don't understand!" -I yelled. Cassiel came up tome, and put his hands on my shoulders, but I shook him off. - "I failed her! She asked me to help her, she begged me!" - I sobbed.
"You did everything you could." - Cassiel said.
"It wasn't enough!" - I sat down at the corner of the room, and covered my face in my hands, and just sobbed. I wasn't enough to find Iris, nor to keep Rider safe, and sure as hell not enough to escape the fatal meeting with Lilith that led to Joel's death.
Those three names again. Just like waltzing: One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three.
Maybe I was going mad.
Another figure appeared at the doorway. Short, with long, dark hair, dressed in black clothes. She came up to me, and pulled me up from the ground. Standing up, I was already taller than her by 9 inches at least. She slapped me, but not too hard: just strong enough to pull me back to the present.
"I had enough of your whining! Where is the girl, who was standing there in the arena with me? Where is the girl, who summoned her beloveds' soul, and called them to life? Where is the girl, who turned against the consilium?" - She yelled at me. Her words struck me like lightning.
"That wasn't me." - I murmured. The truth is that Iris was there when I was in the arena. She was present in my head, moving my body instead of me. I had a mental breakdown after Joel dying between my hands, and the feel of Rider's cold body. - "The girl, who asked you to kill her... that was me. The girl, who is standing front of you... that is me. This is me. I am no hero, nor a rebel... I have been trying to fit into this madness, but I can't!"
They both stared at me. Cassiel with sympathy, and Onyx with disgust.
"So you just gonna break down, and wander around in the rooms of Skydown for the rest of your days, like a Zombie? That is your great plan?" - Onyx asked. That actually was my great plan, but now that she said it out loud, it sounded like I was terribly weak, and there was no point for my existence. And was there anything that wasn't true in what she was saying? No. She was right from the beginning to end.
"I don't know what else is out there for me." - I admitted. - "I have to get away from people. The ones I know, and the ones I don't. I can't control my powers, and everyone, who gets to know me better ends up dead. I don't want that!" - I felt like a little kid, after a terrible nightmare. I have never felt so useless in my entire life. Not even when had to begin my training with Morgen, and I failed over and over again. - "There are people I love out there, and they need to get away from me..." - I whispered. I wanted to know what had happened to Anouck, and Morgen, and all the people I have left behind... like that vampire girl I met in the Institute, who had to face the consilium as well. I was mortified, because her name had already erased from my memory.
"That's not how it works." - Onyx sighed. - "If you can't control your powers, then maybe instead of moving to a place where you can't see anybody, and can't hurt anybody, you should try training."
"Onyx is right." - Cassiel joined the conversation, but we silenced him with just one, synchronized glare. He raised his hands and backed away towards the door. - "Okay, I get it: Unwanted brother in the girl-zone. I get out."
I looked back at Onyx. She was already glaring at me.
"It isn't just you, who went through hell. There are a lot of us, who experienced great pain, and unlike you, we had it from first hand. Yes, you have felt the pain, but your mind only digests some of the information it gets. I have had a fried, who had your powers: the mind-transfer thing. It's called soul-whispering. You can learn to control it."
"My problems are not with the soul-whispering. I have a power to force others to share their powers with me, and bond them to me. That's why a shard of my friends' power became mine after they died. They were both bond to me by accident at one point, but I have unleashed both of them from the bond. I can't even imagine what Michael would have done to someone who was bound to me at the time he met me. Thankfully, there was no one at the time." - I mumbled. - "The real problem is that I cannot decide who I am bonding with. To some point, I can use it, but after that point, the power decides for itself. For example, Joel, the hell-light was not my choice."
"So how does your power decide who does it wanna bound with?" - She asked. Clearly, I have her attention.
"So far, by physical contact, like a handshake, a slap, a kiss, or stuff like that." - I said. As soon as I said it, realization ran through me. Rider and I were bond again... currently bond when he died... and that's why I had the vision of his death.
The night we spent together, he knew what will happen. He knew that he will be bound to me, and when it was sealed, the bond warned me of the death that was just around the corner while we were clueless, sleeping. - "Oh no..."
"What happened." - She asked. I touched the feather necklace. It was warm. There must have been a reason why he wanted to bound us together again... there must be... right? Rider was a clever man, and he didn't do anything without a reason.
"Is there a library here?" - I asked. I have found answers to many questions in the Institute's library before, so there must be some information about soul bonding in some books...
"I don't know." - She smiled at me. - "But you start to look like a living creature, not a zombie. Get dressed, and we will find that library."
What she didn't know was that now I was worried about serious damage in the soul. Not mine, but his. That can cause serious issues in the whole soul-cycling thing.... at least I knew that damaged souls are bad for the environment... or the system... or whatever. I knew this, because my ancestor did. Spiritus, to be exact. I was lucky to be in touch with her, even though she only sent me feelings, and I could never actually talk to her.
I have never felt this much need for a mug of hot latte machiato in my entire life.
We were walking for quite a while, and my bare feet basically froze off because the smooth stone floor was sold as ice. After about twenty minutes, we stopped front of a door, and on this level, the floor was not stone, but wood, and looked more like it was from this century.
"Is this is?" - I asked hopefully.
"No, this is Cassiel's room." - He said. - "Yours is between his and Iris'. My room is right beside her room, so I will be right here, if you feel Iris again, or something else's wrong. Father's room is at the end of the hallway, but he is usually not there, but in the hall where the Sub-Consilium holds the meetings. I will show it to you tomorrow, alright?"
"Yes." - We walked me to my door, and gave me the key.
"Until you figure out how to close out the others from your head, you shouldn't lock the door when you are alone inside." - He suggested, and I nodded, however it was clear that I wouldn't accept the advice. There was no way I would sleep with an open door while I am here. I know a wooden door won't hold back my enemies, whoever they might be, but it gave me some peace.
I opened the door, and Ariel left me there to explore it by myself. The room was a bit too fancy for my taste, but it was better than I expected. In my mind, I had this picture of medieval rooms in a medieval castle - fuck logic, right? But, I was wrong, and the room was actually very nice, and modern.
And there was a bathroom!!! I had been aching for a good bath for a while by now, and I finally had the chance to shower, and scrub off the blood from my hands. Not just mine, but Joel's and Rider's blood was still there. If not on my hand, then under my nails, or stuck in the corners of my nails. Just knowing that their blood was on my hands made me feel I just have to scrub it off, because then, maybe the responsibility won't be so heavy on my shoulders. Of course, that was stupid, because even though their blood will no longer stain my hands physically, it will be there mentally, and I will remember this for the rest of my life, hating my stupidity, and carelessness.
I wished that I could make this right. That I could turn this avalanche of events into something good. But could I really make up something to someone who is already dead out of my mistake? Probably not.
I could feel the arms of powers reach out from the inner core, and wrap around my body protectively. I could feel him there in those arms. Rider was there with me, even though I only had a bit of his essence in that shard of power that I inherited from him through our bond.
The water in the tub was hot, and as I scrubbed my face and hands, the foam of the soap became pink from the blood. I felt disgusted of myself. The shame, the mistakes, the guilt... that I cannot scrub off no matter how hard I try.

I have to admit that I have never seen snow before in my entire life. That was an unknown thing for a southern girl, like me. Of course, I have seen it on TV, and read about it in textbooks, and such... but it was just as unknown for me as magic used to be.
I slowly raised my hand from underwater, and stared at my wrinkled fingers. Thinking about that I have felt the warmth of Rider's skin, and high-five-d Joel after jokes... that with these hands I have changed their lives, and not for the better... it was just terrifying. I heard a faint knock on the door.
"Yes?" - I called out, as I reached for my towel to get out from the bathtub.
Cassiel opened the door just as I wrapped the towel around myself. He let out a relieved sigh.
"You look much better now." - He pointed out.
"Iris' pain is gone, yes." - I said, but I couldn't look Cass in the eyes. He didn't understand that all the things, terrible things that have been happening around here were my faults. I was the one to blame for the deaths of at least three people. Plus there were the ones who were killed when the demons came to kidnap Iris... I don't even know how many of them are there... and then, just to expand the list, there is the slave who got me ready for the postquam... I don't know what had happened to him, but even if not out of my fault, he was suffering. To me, he had a name, and I could connect that name with a face, and a kind gesture towards me. He was an honest man... and there is that girl I was supposed to fight: Onyx. I never got to know what had happened to her after I passed out either.... what about Haniel? Did he survive at least? Or Morgen?
The fact that I have been ignoring these names and mourning over only two, made me sick. They were humans as well, and they all lent me a helping hand, and I just ignored them. How selfish can I be?
"I am glad to hear that." - Cassiel smiled, but I shook my head.
"You shouldn't be." - I whispered.
"What?" - To is confused tone, I looked up.
"So you have no idea what happened, do you? Michael is dead, and Iris is gone. By the fact that I do not feel her pain means that either she became a full-fledged demon, or worse, but doesn't matter, because either way, she isn't our sister anymore." - My body was shaking, and not just because I was cold. A hot teardrop rolled down on my cheek. - "You don't understand!" -I yelled. Cassiel came up tome, and put his hands on my shoulders, but I shook him off. - "I failed her! She asked me to help her, she begged me!" - I sobbed.
"You did everything you could." - Cassiel said.
"It wasn't enough!" - I sat down at the corner of the room, and covered my face in my hands, and just sobbed. I wasn't enough to find Iris, nor to keep Rider safe, and sure as hell not enough to escape the fatal meeting with Lilith that led to Joel's death.
Those three names again. Just like waltzing: One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three.
Maybe I was going mad.
Another figure appeared at the doorway. Short, with long, dark hair, dressed in black clothes. She came up to me, and pulled me up from the ground. Standing up, I was already taller than her by 9 inches at least. She slapped me, but not too hard: just strong enough to pull me back to the present.
"I had enough of your whining! Where is the girl, who was standing there in the arena with me? Where is the girl, who summoned her beloveds' soul, and called them to life? Where is the girl, who turned against the consilium?" - She yelled at me. Her words struck me like lightning.
"That wasn't me." - I murmured. The truth is that Iris was there when I was in the arena. She was present in my head, moving my body instead of me. I had a mental breakdown after Joel dying between my hands, and the feel of Rider's cold body. - "The girl, who asked you to kill her... that was me. The girl, who is standing front of you... that is me. This is me. I am no hero, nor a rebel... I have been trying to fit into this madness, but I can't!"
They both stared at me. Cassiel with sympathy, and Onyx with disgust.
"So you just gonna break down, and wander around in the rooms of Skydown for the rest of your days, like a Zombie? That is your great plan?" - Onyx asked. That actually was my great plan, but now that she said it out loud, it sounded like I was terribly weak, and there was no point for my existence. And was there anything that wasn't true in what she was saying? No. She was right from the beginning to end.
"I don't know what else is out there for me." - I admitted. - "I have to get away from people. The ones I know, and the ones I don't. I can't control my powers, and everyone, who gets to know me better ends up dead. I don't want that!" - I felt like a little kid, after a terrible nightmare. I have never felt so useless in my entire life. Not even when had to begin my training with Morgen, and I failed over and over again. - "There are people I love out there, and they need to get away from me..." - I whispered. I wanted to know what had happened to Anouck, and Morgen, and all the people I have left behind... like that vampire girl I met in the Institute, who had to face the consilium as well. I was mortified, because her name had already erased from my memory.
"That's not how it works." - Onyx sighed. - "If you can't control your powers, then maybe instead of moving to a place where you can't see anybody, and can't hurt anybody, you should try training."
"Onyx is right." - Cassiel joined the conversation, but we silenced him with just one, synchronized glare. He raised his hands and backed away towards the door. - "Okay, I get it: Unwanted brother in the girl-zone. I get out."
I looked back at Onyx. She was already glaring at me.
"It isn't just you, who went through hell. There are a lot of us, who experienced great pain, and unlike you, we had it from first hand. Yes, you have felt the pain, but your mind only digests some of the information it gets. I have had a fried, who had your powers: the mind-transfer thing. It's called soul-whispering. You can learn to control it."
"My problems are not with the soul-whispering. I have a power to force others to share their powers with me, and bond them to me. That's why a shard of my friends' power became mine after they died. They were both bond to me by accident at one point, but I have unleashed both of them from the bond. I can't even imagine what Michael would have done to someone who was bound to me at the time he met me. Thankfully, there was no one at the time." - I mumbled. - "The real problem is that I cannot decide who I am bonding with. To some point, I can use it, but after that point, the power decides for itself. For example, Joel, the hell-light was not my choice."
"So how does your power decide who does it wanna bound with?" - She asked. Clearly, I have her attention.
"So far, by physical contact, like a handshake, a slap, a kiss, or stuff like that." - I said. As soon as I said it, realization ran through me. Rider and I were bond again... currently bond when he died... and that's why I had the vision of his death.
The night we spent together, he knew what will happen. He knew that he will be bound to me, and when it was sealed, the bond warned me of the death that was just around the corner while we were clueless, sleeping. - "Oh no..."
"What happened." - She asked. I touched the feather necklace. It was warm. There must have been a reason why he wanted to bound us together again... there must be... right? Rider was a clever man, and he didn't do anything without a reason.
"Is there a library here?" - I asked. I have found answers to many questions in the Institute's library before, so there must be some information about soul bonding in some books...
"I don't know." - She smiled at me. - "But you start to look like a living creature, not a zombie. Get dressed, and we will find that library."
What she didn't know was that now I was worried about serious damage in the soul. Not mine, but his. That can cause serious issues in the whole soul-cycling thing.... at least I knew that damaged souls are bad for the environment... or the system... or whatever. I knew this, because my ancestor did. Spiritus, to be exact. I was lucky to be in touch with her, even though she only sent me feelings, and I could never actually talk to her.
I have never felt this much need for a mug of hot latte machiato in my entire life.
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