I opened my eyes and looked around. But I was alone.
Wait, that's how it supposed to be, so what is this feeling in me that tells me that something was off place...? As I checked, everything was on place, and nothing was missing from room.
Strips of memory flashed through my head... Ah, so that's why I felt strange. I fell asleep while Rider was here... but he was gone now. I scratched my head, and climbed out of bed.
What the hell did he want here? And how come I just fell asleep...? That was so strange.. I wonder if he did something to me, like made me inhale some kind of sleeping drug, or whatever.
I walked to the bathroom, and began my usual morning routine: Brushed my teeth, put my hair into a pony tail, and finally put on some make up. I wonder if I ever get to question Rider about last night.. He was hating me just a day ago, and he called me dangerous. He wanted my powers to be sealed for good.
Could anyone change form that to this in a couple of hours? To me, it seemed impossible.
But then there was again that thing he said to me back in the Green House, that he cares about me... but I was sure he was just mocking me. I really didn't know Rider at all, even if I knew all of his memories like they were my own.
He was a person who was impossible to figure out.
On the other hand, I became best friends with the guy who wanted to kill me on my first day here. I guess people do change very often, but that took him a month to let me in... actually, he didn't exactly let me in... we just understood each other well.
I was so confused about this whole thing...
I pulled on a white top, and light-washed jeans with a loose mauve colored cardigan. As I looked at the mirror, I felt a sort of uneasiness. Something was wrong, and it wasn't just that I simply fell asleep in Rider's arms. There was something more to it, but I couldn't put my finger on the feeling. I looked at my hands, and realized that my ring was gone... the one that supposed to shut my powers off.
I went back to the bed, and quickly looked under the pillow, the sheets, I searched the nightstand, then went back to the bathroom, and checked the counters, the shower, everything... the ring was gone. Shit.
Devastated, I left the room, and walked down to the kitchen, where I ran into a girl I doubt I have ever seen here. She was humming a melody, and she was grinding some red stuff in the mortar, then she poured the dusted red stuff into a cup of water. She spun around her axis, and almost dropped her cup when she realized that she was not alone.
"Oh Gee!" - She screamed, and took a step back.
"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to surprise you." - I murmured, and opened the fridge to look for some yogurt.
"That's fine." - She said, and I head that she took a seat at the table. - "So, who are you?"
To that I looked up from the fridge, and smiled at her. She blinked at me with huge, yellow eyes. Well then, she was no human either. I was still not used to these physical differences in humans and these guys. I mean there was nothing wrong with it, it was just... strange for me.
"My name is Spirit." - I said finally. I decided to keep my last name to myself. After all, even I didn't know if I was a Princeps or a Meadows. It was just too strange to even go into details... and that was only my name. Don't even get me started on the other stuff... that would be a terribly long story. - "What about you?" - I asked her.
"I'm Christabella." - She smiled back at me. Her dark, red velvet hair was long - almost down to her hips, and she had a couple braids randomly in her hair. - "Call me Chris." - She smiled. Chris had a delicate figure, and pale skin. - "So, what are you?"
"Excuse me?" - I couldn't quite understand what she meant.
"You know, like what's your species? For example I'm a vamp, and my friend, Ivy is a Forest Spirit... So, what are you?" - She repeated.
"Oh, I am a Nephilim." - I smiled. She raised an eyebrow.
"Wow, you act cute comparing to the fact that you belong to the third most arrogant species..." - She looked disappointed and surprised at the same time.
"I don't know what you mean..." - I said, and I sat down beside her with my bowl of cereal that I mixed with some fruits and yogurt.
"Oh, now I remember you!" - She said, and clapped her hands together. - "You are the girl who came with that other one who hangs around with Darren sometimes! And you are the one who hangs around Morgen and that arrogant asshole, Rider." - She said.
"That sums it up just fine..." - I grinned at her. - "And yeah, he is an actual asshole, if you ask me." - I noted. We both burst out laughing.
"I never understood why people get all worked up about the Fallen Ones to be honest." - She looked like something was there that she wanted to get off her chest. But, I didn't need to do anything, because she began speaking. - "I am a vamp since 300 years, but I have been living here for only the past two years. I have been part of a clan, and they were not celestials like this house is. They were neutral, so they didn't took part in the fights of either sides. I liked those years... they were peaceful.
But one night a group of Fallen Ones surrounded us, thinking that they were such big shots... they wanted to kill each member of my clan, and accused us of being allies with the demonic side. Of course, that wasn't the case, but in the eyes of a Fallen, there are only two sides... everything has to be black or white, yes or no.. ahh, Gee, they are terribly annoying!!
Anyways, they attacked my clan, and killed many of us. But there were many of us in the clan... so we eventually overpowered them, and chased them off our territory." - She sighed. - "Later on they came back with a greater group that we clearly had no chance against. It was just so not fair!! We had to make a pledge to become a celestial, and the clan had to break up. We had to leave behind our names and we were banned from joining any kind of clan anymore... just because we were suspected of being spies. However they never had the chance of proving it, because it was not true."
"That must have been annoying..." - I sighed. - "I mean they had no right to break up your clan."
"Yep." - She swallowed the last drop of the red thingy - that I guessed to be some kind of dried blood mixed with water.. or some substitute, since she was vampire.
A tall girl, with cappuccino colored skin, and short chocolate-brown hair and huge, bright green eyes sat down front of us with a bowl of fruit.
"Hey guys." - She said, and popped a piece of peach into her mouth.
"Hey Ivy! This is Spirit!" - Chris introduced me. I just waved at her, because my mouth was full of cereal. - "She is a Nephilim." - When the word Nephilim left Chris's mouth, Ivy's hand stopped halfway to her mouth and she stared at me the same way Chris did at first.
"A Nephilim? And she is eating with us?" - It sounded like it was common knowledge that Nephilims are arrogant bitches. Well... sounds great.
"She isn't like the others, at least I think she isn't." - Chris said, and took a cherry from Ivy's bowl. She chewed it, and after swallowing, she continued speaking. - "I think Spirit's nice."
"Nice..? This chick?" - She shot me a glare full of disbelief. - "She had been hanging around with that Fallen jackass, and Morgen. Those two are so full of themselves.. why would she be different?"
"I am not here to be judged." - I stood up, and took my empty bowl to the sink. I washed the dishes that have been left in there along with mine. - "You can say whatever you want about me, but to me it seems like you guys have never met a Nephilim, who would care what others had to say. I don't know much about nephilims... I mean I know what I am, but I don't know any others... of course I know my sis and Morgen... well, actually Morgen counts as a Grigori to be exact, but still. I think it's up to the individual's personality to be arrogant rather than to it's species." - I said when I finished. Chris smiled at me, but Ivy just rolled her eyes.
"Please, do you think a tiger can pretend that he is an indoor cat?" - She snorted. - "We were born to be who we are." - To her comment, all I did was pull on my shoulders.
"Think whatever you want. It is up to you to believe me." - I said. Just as I finished my 'speech', Morgen came into the room, and began making coffee. He nodded a good-morning towards me, but he completely ignored the two other girls. I turned towards him.
"So what are we gonna do today on training?" - I asked.
"Nothing, today's training is canceled. You have to relax a bit." - He said without looking at me. - "Plus, I have to go to the city today; I will be in charge of today's patrol."
"When can I go patrolling with you guys?" - I asked, and I handed him the honey. He took it, and put two and a half spoonfuls of it into his coffee. He leaned against the counter, and took a sip before answering me.
"That's not my call. I think you are ready, even though we didn't practice that much face to face combat. You are good at archery, and you can shoot with basically anything so you could cover us from the rooftops... but as I said, it's not my call." - He sighed, and took another sip of coffee. I turned to the girls.
"Are you guys going to patrol as well?" - I asked, but before they could answer, Morgen made a noise that was between a sigh and a groan. I turned towards him.
"They don't patrol... only a few of the bloodsuckers come with us, but the leafy bitches always stay behind." - It seemed like Morgen wasn't fond of the Forest Spirits. I crossed my arms, and shoot him a killer glare.
"I don't wanna hear you call them like that ever again front of me! You can do whatever you want when I am not around, but when you talk to me, keep in mind that I don't like you being an ass to anyone. Especially not my friends. They are not bloodsuckers, they are vampires, and they are not leafy bitches, but Forest Spirits." - Said. Morgen just rolled his eyes.
"So now you are all peace and equality?" - He groaned in a tired voice. - "I remember Rider mentioning something about you being a diplomat type... Yesterday.. I think it was because you jumped between your brother and him when they got into a fight."
"They were childish." - I rolled my eyes.
"You are childish right now. These... things are not really celestials. They are here for only shelter. They don't worth a thing." - Morgen said. He pushed himself away from the counter, and wanted to walk past me, but before he could, I slapped him across the face.
"You are an arrogant asshole. I thought we were friends, that you understood what I did, and do, and why. But clearly, you don't care about anyone but yourself. If you were my friend, you wouldn't disrespect anyone like that front of me." -I threw my hands in the air, and I could feel anger rushing through my veins. Morgen touched his chin where my palms hit him - the skin turned red and I could tell that it actually hurt him.
"Woman..." - That was all he said, like it explained why I got so angry... I let out a deep breath, and with that, I walked out of the kitchen,
and ran down the staircase into the library. There, I found the reading quarters, and dropped on the couch, pulled up my legs, and tried to calm myself down... I got so mad at Morgen. My did he act so.. so.. racist against the others. I hated discrimination, since I have been there... I was the girl, who had to drop out from school, and the girl who was always made fun of when my old classmates stopped my for some food in the diner. They always made fun of me, saying that i must be stupid, and that i wasn't worth a cent..
They didn't know I didn't drop out because I wanted to... or even if they did, they didn't care.
I looked up, and found about seven people staring straight at me. Suddenly, Chris appeared, and sat down beside me. She looked like she was troubled...
"Spirit... You really didn't have to do that. We are used to the mean words, and unkind glares, today it was just another that we would have just skip over..." - She began.
"But you don't have to!" - I said, and hugged my knees. - "Everyone has a purpose, a reason to live for. No one is worthless... I hate to hear people talk about each other in such tone. I know I didn't have to stand up against Morgen's unkind words, but I just couldn't bare his arrogance. He can be kind, I know! I know that inside he is a good person, but he is just... ghaa.." - I was so angry!!
"Please, I came here to thank you." - Chris said, and smiled at me. - "There aren't many of us, who would dare to slap a Grigori across the face... " - That, I could imagine... I couldn't believe myself. I slapped the only actual friend I had. I mean, yeah I called Chris and Ivy my friends, but that weren't the same. Morgen was actually my friend, and looking back, I did take it a little too far... but still... He had no right.
"Yeah, probably even fewer who would slap Morgen C. Washington." - I smirked. Chris laughed, and that made me laugh to. - "Is he mad?" - I asked when we finally stopped laughing.
"Well, you can say that." - Chris said.. -"But I doubt that he is mad at you."
"What do you mean?" - I asked.
"After you left, he slammed the cup into the sink, which of course shattered into pieces. At that moment Remiel appeared, out of nowhere, and he just said 'you know you will have to pay for that' and with that he walked away. Morgen got so annoyed that he just stormed out. But he seemed upset somehow... probably not because he has to pay for a cup he broke." - Chris said and crossed her arms like she was cold. - "I think it was because what you told him... that he wasn't a good friend. I don't know him that much, but that would upset me too if a good friend of mine would say such things."
"Well, he wasn't being the best friend today." - I murmured.
"I dunno, to me it looks like he think of you as a good friend, and I don't think he was trying to upset you... probably he thought you were kidding at the beginning." - She sighed. - "You know he was right on some levels... we don't do much when it comes to patrols... that's not really our thing.."
"Everyone has their jobs... I'm sure you do too." - I said.
"That's true, but don't let your friendship die off like that because of a couple girls you just met. You seem to be a wise girl, and I hope that some day the consilium will be filled with people like you... but right now you have to go to him and make it up... I know that you probably had other reasons beside defending us, but trust me, it isn't worth it." - Chris gripped my hands in hers. - "I look up to you. You can always count on me, and I will do my best to be a good use for you. I cannot thank you enough for standing up for us. But right now, you have to go and talk this through with Morgen."
"You are probably right. But you are not a servant of mine... you don't have to be a good use for me. I think we are friends, so let's just be there for each other." - I smiled and I stood up. The people around us were watching like I had something on my face, or something. I did my best to ignore them.
I ran up the stairs. By the time I got to the 3rd floor from the library levels, I was breathing heavily. I stopped to catch my breath, and then walked to the second door from the staircase. I knocked kindly on the black wooden door. There were several Greek symbols carved into the wood, like wounds. Morgen preferred to think of himself as a Demigod rather than a Grigori.
"Who's it?" - An angered voice called out. Yup he was raging alright.
"It's me." - I said in a soft voice. I felt really bad for slapping him, and flipping out at him for something I wasn't involved in... I just let the anger of my past experiences out on him because he was doing a similar thing. - "Can we... can I come in?" - I asked.
I waited.. Nothing.
Then suddenly the door opened, and I was closed in his arms in a tight, brotherly hug, and he softly whispered - "I'm sorry."
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